Free Land

Before or after you watch Free Land, read this.

Free Land is an autobiographical solo play that follows a young white man’s search for his roots into the heart of American history. During an interview with his grandfather he learns that their beloved family ranch was actually a Homestead, a free land grant from the government. Haunted by the past, he’s compelled to dig deeper, only to learn of a bloody battle between the U.S. Army and the Northern Cheyenne on the very land his family received for free. Free Land invites us to take an unflinching look at the truth buried in the land beneath our feet.

written and performed by Ariel Luckey
featuring DJ Sake One
directed by Margo Hall
scored by Ryan Luckey
illustration by Octavio de la Paz
light design by Jim Cave

world premiered on May 1, 2009, at La Peña Cultural Center in Berkeley, California

Free Land is a National Performance Network Creation Fund Project co-commissioned by La Peña Cultural Center in partnership with The Matrix Center/White Privilege Conference, and the National Performance Network.

Inspired to dig deeper into the questions and themes of Free Land?

Check out the Free Land Curriculum Guide featuring eight interactive lessons designed for classroom teachers, community educators and self directed learners. Click here to purchase a Free Land DVD & Curriculum Guide.


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